Leinenkugels Spritzen Spritzen Variety Pack Raspberry Lemon/Pineapple Strawberry/Blood Orange Cranberry Beer 6 Ea
Beer with a splash of seltzer and natural flavors. 93 cals. 2.2 g carbs. No sugar. 2 of each flavor. Nothing artificial. Union made. Corn syrup is used as part of the brewing process only. Leinenkugel's never uses high fructose corn syrup. Celebrate responsibly. leinie.com. Facebook: Facebook.com/Leinenkugels. Twitter: (at)Leinenkugels. Instagram: (at)Leinenkugels. To join the Leinie Lodge mailing list or order official Leinie's gear call: 888-LEINIES or visit leinie.com. Please recycle. Alc./vol. 4.2% 8.4