Robert Mondavi Merlot, California 750 Ml

Vint Rum Barrel Aged Merlot Red Wine is inspired by American winemaker Robert Mondavi’s commitment to traditional winemaking and producing flavorful wines for modern wine lovers. A celebration of the rich tradition of winemaking, ripe merlot grapes are carefully picked at night and in the early morning before undergoing aging, blending, and fermentation. A portion of the wine is aged a further 10 months in American oak rum barrels, further developing the flavors that this dark ruby red wine offers. Black cherry, raspberry, baking spice, brown sugar, vanilla, and cocoa aroma and flavor notes leap from each glass of wine, further enhanced by a lush finish and dark chocolate palate. This 750 mL bottle of wine pairs well with seasoned chicken and meats. Please enjoy our wines responsibly. © 2024 Robert Mondavi, Acampo, CA