Cap'n Crunch's Cereal 14 Oz

Sweetened corn & oat cereal. Per 1 Cup: 150 calories; 0.5 g sat fat (4% DV); 290 mg sodium (12% DV); 17 g total sugars. Crunch-a-tize me cap'n. This package is sold by weight, not volume. Some setting may have occurred during shipping and handling. Its always game time on crunch island! On crunch island the never stops! grab a, take a in the lagoon, or just, on the, or just, on the with a of ! The cap'n can't to, you! Fill in the blanks above to create a unique crunch island story! Can you reach the lagoon at the other end of this crunchcano? Finish! Look a plan, a plane! I've misplaced my spoon! there are plenty of extras around here how many can you find before lafoote does. Hey little buddy, are you up for a 3 hour tour? I dunno, I heard the weather could get rough. Find these 12 words in the word search below beach lighthouse jungle fish dock sand palm trees shark sailor ship wind surfer whale. Bonus! Can you find 3 mystery words? Answer: The 3 mystery words are: Pirate Sea Volcano. We're here to help. or 800.234.6281. Please have package available when calling. Parents for more information visit us at Try all 3 great flavors! Crunch Berries, Peanut Butter Crunch, Oops! All Berries.