Udi's® Gluten Free Crispy Thin Crust Three Cheese Pizza 10 Oz. Box

Full of taste - free of gluten. Gluten free. Mozzarella, Parmesan, Monterey Jack. Excellent source of protein & calcium. Good source of vitamins A & C. See nutrition information for total fat and saturated fat content. GF: Certified gluten-free. For more information on Udi's Gluten Free Foods visit us at www.udisglutenfree.com. Eat well, smile often. Our mission is to show you a new way to approach gluten-free living. Don't waste another bite on bland, crumbly and tasteless food. Udi's makes delicious products that will fill your stomach and warm your soul. Our delicious Three Cheese Pizza starts with our savory sauce of tomatoes, olive oil, garlic and spices spread over Udi's baked-to-perfection thin and crispy gluten-free crust. We top it off with our premium cheese blend of mozzarella, parmesan, and Monterey Jack and sprinkle fresh-frozen basil to create a flavorful crowd pleaser. Enjoy! Pizza is now an Udi-ful thing! Look for our delicious gluten free baked goods in the bakery or freezer aisle. www.facebook.com/UdisGlutenFree. www.twitter.com/UdisGlutenFree. Please recycle.